Friday, 12 September 2008

Manufactured Boards.

There are many benefits to buying manufactured boards rather then retailed timber. They are alot cheaper and they are guarenteed to be the right shape, size, weight and have no knots in them. Manufactured boards are easier to laminate or veneer, also the plys can go at right angles to each other to give it extra strength. Types of manufactured wood include:

  • Chipboard - Lots of tiny wood chips glued into a sheet.

  • Plywood - Layers of wood stuck on top of each other at right angles.

  • Blockboard - Blocks of wood in between 2 plys of wood.

  • Sterling Board - Waste material used on council houses.

  • MDF - Medium Density Fibreboard, wood fibres mixed with urea formaldahyde.

  • Hexa Board - Layered with lots of hexagons in a honeycomb pattern to make it grippy.

Each type of manufactured board has its own set of properties and uses.